Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Frontier Polymers: The ONLY manufacturer in India to offer chemical storage tanks in 'Crosslinked Polymer'

Rectangular Water tanks, Water Tank Manufacturers, Chemical Storage Tanks
All Black Tanks are not the same, and not all tanks are fit for chemical storage. At Frontier Polymers, we understand the difference between rectangular water tanks, and chemical storage tanks; that’s why we use imported Hexene LLDPE resin for making chemical storage tanks.

The resin used has high ESCR (Environmental Stress Crack Resistance); this ensures that our chemical storage tanks enjoy a maximum possible life. The density and melt flow ensure that the tank has High Chemical Resistance due to closely packed molecules in the resin.  In fact, we’re the ONLY manufacturers in India to offer chemical storage tanks in 'Crosslinked Polymer'. These tanks from Frontier Polymers can withstand temperatures up to 110°C.

For more on our ‘chemical storage tanks’, click on this link that’ll take you to our website, http://www.frontierpolymers.com/chemical-storage-tank.html. Besides making tanks for chemical storage, we’re also into manufacturing tanks for water; we’re one of the leading water tank manufacturers in the country.   We’re also into manufacturing litter bins, food storage bins, road safety products, laundry carts, material carrier, etc.

We’ve been in the industry for years, and are committed towards creating great quality products at very competitive prices. For more on us, visit us at our website, http://www.frontierpolymers.com/.

We’d love to hear from you! Click on this link, http://www.frontierpolymers.com/contactus.aspx for our contact details.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sleek and Stylish Dustbins at Your Disposal

Pantry bins, Dustbins
We all have one or more of them in our houses or in the offices.  It is something which we just can’t do without.  Know what I am talking about?  Dustbins! Yes, can we even imagine a single day without them? We may not give them much importance, but just think for a second how we spend our day, when the garbage is not collected from our houses or offices.  It just gives such a dirty feeling!

Frontierpolymers is committed in providing its customers a wide range of pantry bins, dustbins, water storage tanks, fabric handling containers, litterbins, barriers and a lot more products. 

These bins have been designed for the purpose of disposing of recyclables, papers, tea dips, and disposable cups.  They are very stylish and are space efficient too.  A large quantity of waste can be disposed of with great ease.  Now bid adieu to overflowing waste and pungent smell, as these pantry bins provides sufficient space and proper lids.

We are very soon coming with a new feature of custom moldings, where you can customize your requirements and get the bins as you desire!

Give us a call at +91 11 41622733, 41622734,    Fax: +91 11 41679398
Drop an email at delhi@frontierpolymers.com

Waiting to hear from you soon